Disconnect to Reconnect: Why Couples in 2023 Need to Put Down the Screens and Pick Up the Cards!

Disconnect to Reconnect: Why Couples in 2023 Need to Put Down the Screens and Pick Up the Cards!

In today's fast-paced world, technology has become an integral part of our daily routine. We are constantly surrounded by screens, from our mobile phones to our television screens, and it's difficult to imagine a day without them. While these devices have brought us closer to the world around us, they have also created a disconnect between us and our loved ones, particularly our partners. In fact, according to a study conducted by the American Psychological Association, increased screen time has been linked to decreased relationship satisfaction and communication among couples.

So how can we overcome this issue and reconnect with our partners in meaningful ways? The answer might be as simple as playing games together. More specifically, intimate board games and couples card games can be a great way to reignite that spark and help couples open up.

Studies have shown that engaging in leisure activities together, such as playing games, can increase intimacy and relationship satisfaction. A study published in the Journal of Marriage and Family found that couples who engaged in leisure activities together reported higher levels of closeness, communication, and relationship quality. This is particularly true for activities that require cooperation and communication, such as playing board games.

Intimate board games and couples card games are specifically designed to promote communication and intimacy between partners. These games often involve asking each other personal questions, exploring fantasies, or engaging in sensual activities together. By playing these games, couples can open up and communicate in ways that they might not have otherwise. This can lead to a deeper understanding of each other's desires and needs, and ultimately bring couples closer together.

Moreover, these games offer a fun and exciting way to break away from the monotony of everyday life. By setting aside time to play these games, couples can create a special and intimate moment that is just for them. This can help to counterbalance the time spent on screens, and bring couples back to the present moment with each other.

In addition, intimate board games and couples card games can be a great way to explore new sexual experiences and fantasies together. For many couples, sex can become routine or even stale over time. Intimate board games and couples card games offer a fun and safe way to explore new experiences and fantasies in a controlled environment. By trying new things together, couples can create a deeper sense of intimacy and connection.

Oral fun board game showing board and playing pieces with cards on show that will be used during certain parts of the game

One example of an intimate board game is "Oral Fun". This game is designed to help couples explore their sexual desires and fantasies in a fun and playful way. It includes a series of cards with various activities and questions designed to encourage open communication and exploration.


spice it up couples card game shown being played with a female player holding the cards behind the product box

Another example of a couples card game is "Spice it up". This game includes a series of cards with various challenges, questions, and activities designed to help couples open up and explore each other's desires. The challenges range from Mild to Spicy, and are designed to be fun and playful.


Furthermore, intimate board games and couples card games are not just limited to sexual experiences. They can also be a great way to explore emotional and mental intimacy.

connect couples card game showing the box

For example, "Connect" is a card game designed to help couples explore their emotions and connect on a deeper level. The game includes a series of cards with various questions designed to encourage open communication and understanding.


In conclusion, while technology can bring us closer to people who are far away from us, it can distance us from those who are physically present. This is particularly true for couples who spend too much time on their phones or in front of the TV. If you're feeling disconnected from your partner, it might be time to put the screens away and try a couples card game or an intimate board game. These games are designed to help you connect with your partner, reignite the spark, and open up in a fun and playful way.

At OMG, you can find a wide range of adult card games and intimate board games that cater to different tastes and preferences. From romantic and sensual games to more adventurous and daring ones, there's something for everyone. So, what are you waiting for? Visit our shop today and see how our games can help you take your relationship to the next level!

see our range here: www.omgshop.co.uk

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